July 27-2022, marks the 100th anniversary of the statehood of Adygea


Today, July 27,2022, marks the 100th anniversary of the statehood of Adygea. In honor of this event, a cycle of various events is being implemented in the republic throughout the year. Mass festive events are also planned for September and October. And directly on July 27, a number of creative events will take place, which will be crowned with a big concert and Circassian dance (Adyghe Djegu).

At 15:00 in the North Caucasian branch of the State Museum of the East will open the exhibition "Artists of Adygea, Kabardino-Balkaria, Karachay-Circassia: 100 years of statehood of the subjects."

Mass celebrations will begin at 18:00 and will be held on Friendship Square in Maykop. They will begin with a concert of masters of arts of the Republic of Adygea, in which the Oshten Variety Ensemble of the State Philharmonic of the Republic of Adygea and the Eternal Flame Group will take part. At 18:25 a flash mob will take place, which will continue until 20:30.
