We present to you the reaction of the Circassian activist Sari Shawash to the discussion that took place in the Circassian Association in Jordan about the possibility of learning the Abkhazian language in the Circassian school of Hamza.
This thing is very strange and silly on the part of the association which says it represents 100,000 Circassians in Jordan. What's more, there is no Abkhazian community in Jordan.
This is one of the attempts of the Abkhazians to advance their dismal demographics at the expense of the Circassians. Some time ago, the Abkhazians issued a statement saying that half of the Circassian residents in Kabardino-Balkaria were Abkhazians.
The Abkhazians have to stop these stupid attempts otherwise it will be too late when many Circassians will start looking at the Abkhazians as enemies of the Circassian nation.
The following is the reaction of the Circassian activist:
During the visit of the official delegation from the Republic of Abkhazia to Jordan on 10/3/2021 and 4/10/2021, according to the attached link, meetings were held with the Circassian Charitable Association and Prince Hamzah Bin Al Hussein School of the Association, and the issue of the importance of the possibility of teaching Abkhaz language was discussed. .
Here we ask, what is the importance of the Abkhaz language for our children, and our Adyghe language suffers from loss due to the lack of speakers?? Has the Abkhaz language become so important that it should be studied in cooperation with the Ministry of Culture??
Our language is first to be preserved...
Our language is on its way to being lost in Jordan within 15-20 years, and if local efforts and cooperation with Adygea and Kabarda do not unite in preserving it, the days will come when our language will become as foreign to us as the Chinese language.
Have we become Abkhaz after this time in which we were born and raised as Adyghe (Circassian)? What is this convergence and what is the need for it?
Source: Circassian Press
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