Adygea: Presentation of the cartoon "Fixies" in the Circassian language

Today, on the Day of the Circassian (Adyghe) language, a presentation of the cartoon "Fixies" in the Circassian (Adyghe) language took place in the Republic of Adygea.

Work on the release of the series of cartoons "Fixies" in the Adyghe language, in agreement with the copyright holders, began last year. At present, all 52 episodes have been translated, two are ready for release, in the future new episodes will be gradually released,- the Head of Adygea Murat Kumpilov wrote in his instagram page.

Now on the Internet you can find only a few cartoons translated into the Adyghe language. Among them - "Once upon a time there was a dog" and "Winnie the Pooh".

In addition, the Adygean Republican Institute for Humanitarian Research named after T.M. Kerasheva (ARIGI) recently published the following books: "Adyghe folk tales" for children and parents, "Who is stronger than all?" for children.

They can be purchased in bookstores in Maykop and in the Adygean Republican Institute for Humanitarian Research named after T.M. Kerasheva. A series of audio stories is being prepared for release.

The author's project of the leading researcher of ARIGI, candidate of philological sciences Marziyat Bidanok “The Adyghe language in 30 days”, intended for Russian-speaking people who want to study the Adyghe language, has also been completed.

For such people, ARIGI also provided courses. They will start on April 2. More than 50 people have already expressed a desire to study the Adyghe language, of which about half are Russian-speaking.
