I sincerely congratulate the residents of fraternal Karachay-Circassia and the head of the republic Rashid Temrezov on the Day of the Republic!
The formation and development of Karachay-Circassia was accompanied by worthy labor victories and achievements of its inhabitants, successful transformations in all spheres of life.
Today, carefully preserving and increasing the achievements of their predecessors, the inhabitants of the republic, with their hard work and dedication, make a great contribution to the development of their small and large homeland.
Our republics have strong fraternal ties, which are expanding and strengthening from year to year. I am sure that in the future Adygea and Karachay-Circassia together, side by side, will move towards the development and prosperity of our regions.
I sincerely wish dear Rashid Borispievich, all the inhabitants of the Karachay-Circassia Republic peace, good and prosperity! Let the life of every family be filled with joy, warmth and tranquility!
Murat Kumpilov, Head of the Republic of Adygea
Source: Circassian Press
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