International circassians conference in Germany

The Circassian organization in Nuremberg and the circassian repatriation organization (CRO) in Canada host on 21. And 22. Sept. 2018, at Karl-Bröger Centre in Nuremberg, the "first international circassians conference". a series of cherkez from clubs as well as cherkez activists, intellectuals, professionals and businessmen are looking forward to this event which is as a platform for meeting And the exchange of ideas and expertise. The Circassian communities in motherland and diaspora are very rich in experts in many different areas. It is extremely important to create a platform that can be used to bring together all these experts. The motto of this conference is "what unites us". there are many issues that fit, such as education, economy, politics, innovation, art, culture, music, history and many others.

However, there are some key aspects that are considered to be cornerstone of all of the above-mentioned issues It is very important to deal with these key issues during this conference in order to make positive and constructive progress with the society. The Conference programme covers two days and covers the following key issues:
• Have the causes changed over time? Solutions to end the suffering of circassians in the 21. St Century
• Organisation of civil society in civil society and the creation of a more open public to act in the process of integration and integration Answer to the political questions about the cherkez identity in the diaspora.
• The role of the European Union in resolving the escape causes, as well as at international level
• Respect for human rights and the perspective of circassians in Germany and in diaspora
• The influence of globalisation on cherkez tradition, art, culture, music and challenges related to maintaining the language.

The official language of the conference is German and English, but other languages are also allowed. Prepare your presentations in two languages, in English and in the second language of your choice. Simultaneous interpretation shall not be made available on a permanent basis.

The successful planning of this conference can only be achieved through support and participation of activists and experts on all circassian issues from the motherland and worldwide. As a result, organisers would like to invite cherkez clubs, activists, intellectuals, professionals and businessmen not only to participate in this conference but also to present their ideas and experiences. We are looking forward to short summaries in English from those who wish to participate in this conference. In addition, participants will be asked to submit a kurzbiografie together with a photo. Short summaries are accepted until 15. August 2018

Those who need an entry visa to Germany please contact their nearest German Embassy. Contact us if you need a letter of invitation to participate in this conference. Please note that the c280 can take up to two months so that visas must be submitted in time.

Thanks sincerely,

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